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A member registered Aug 07, 2018

Recent community posts

i am curious what is in store for this game in the future.

Any theories?

With the new unity rules i worry about this game and its creator

Hyped!  Thank you so much for making this.

i watch the game on yt. regret not playing it myself

8/8 Happy vore day! 


is there cockvore in the game?

I wonder if males are going to be added :/ Guess i will have to wait and see.

Dayum the page got updated. looks sexy as hell

Lovely news! Will try and spread the news about this  update.

They lost motivation they made a post about it.

I would love one last update. It could even be an anniversary update if it get it in april.  I wonder if this game became open source. Could we pump out community updates like TF2?

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I was worried MacroMancy deleted everything for dark reasons. Or perhaps a lawsuit

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how do i get the guardian game over scene? the cockvore one

The creator might be dead.

Welp i am afraid the this game is dead.

Next update comes out when the heavy update is out

Add Avery! Maybe some anal stuff.

Found the rocket girl. She is teeny how cute!

I wonder what will be next in the game? Going into the stomach? Futanari? Other types of vore? I just will wait and see

I quite like it. i hope it will get some art soon.. heheh.. shame you get shot before you reach her sack